Regardless of if you’re a casual bettor or a serious bettor who is aiming to make a second income, it is always highly crucial to keep a track of your betting record.
Records keep you level headed
One of the ways to keep your mind logical and clear is to keep track of the returns you are making. The totals could be averaged weekly or monthly but includes every placed bet and the result of it. Betting is fun and the thrill you get through the game as well as winning is unmatchable, but that can often throw you off track.
With access to your betting records, you’ll be able to see how much you’re winning or losing a day, spot tilting behaviours and if you keep accurate statistics it will give you better awareness over your performance. That means if you’re losing too often it might be time to stop, reflect on your bets and try something different, a perfect way to iterate your strategy!
Keep what’s working, cut the rest
Even if you’re betting for fun, it’s much more fun when you win. It’s important to keep records of your bets to see which types, sports and teams are giving you profit.
For example, you might spot that you are not making a lot of profit on Horse betting but making a lot on Football bets, in this scenario, it’s time to think about cutting Horse betting and focus on Football for now as that seems to be working well.
There are countless reasons that you might perform in some sports better than others but keeping an accurate statistical sheet is going to help you drill down what is going wrong, what is going right and decide when it’s time to stop putting time and money into a certain bet.
Keep track of at least the sport, bet type and return, that way you can see what categories are providing you with the most profit over the next few months. Over time you’re going to have a lot of great information at your disposal which you can filter by, which is much better than going off memory.
Using records to find your weaknesses
When tracking your betting record, its best to do this in a spreadsheet, that way overtime you could filter by bet type.
For example, you might find that even though you win some accumulators and thought you were doing well, overall they’re not providing you with profit, even though you win some, you’ve come out at a loss.
With this type of information you might be able to find certain trends in your losses, are you chasing bets? Are the markets unprofitable or is it time to put that money somewhere else.
Want to learn more about betting? We make betting easier with our tips covering football, tennis and horses. Find out more about us here